KIA Marathon to keep EAC athletes connected - HERRY LEO.COM


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

KIA Marathon to keep EAC athletes connected

THE inaugural Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) Marathon has been labeled as a good platform to further strengthen relations among the East and Central African nations.

KIA Race Director, Amini Kimaro told the Daily News shortly after the event on Sunday that apart from its main objective to promote the country’s tourism, the event was perfectly placed to keep regional runners connected.

“It is understood that KIA is a gate way for tourists heading to visit various attraction centres found within the Northern Circuit, but it is always good to see athletes from all countries within the region descending here to compete for top honours,” he said.

He said a good number of athletes from the region had competed in the first edition of the event, naming countries they represented as South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda. Kimaro described the first edition of the event as a success, saying more runners from EAC block are expected to compete in the next year’s event.

“It is important for EAC to work together to improving the level of their athletes and we need as many competitions as possible to sharpen the skills and ability of our athletes,” he said.

“This is just a beginning... our objective is to keep working closely with the Athletics Tanzania (AT) to make this a huge attractive event to draw runners from the region and across the world,” he said.

Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Tulia Ackson, who was the Guest of Honour, praised the event organisers -- Kilimanjaro International Airport Development Company (KADCO) for staging a successful event.

“Organisers did a good work in promoting the international airport as well as tourism in Tanzania,” said the Deputy Speaker, who also participated in the race. She called for improvements come next year event.

Along with the speaker, are more than 50 members of parliament took part in the prestigious international race that were aimed at, among other things, promote the airport, tourism and maintain health of body and mind.

The inaugural international race saw Kenyans dictate terms winning top awards in almost all categories. A total of 30 Kenyans turned up for the marathon that was organised by the Kilimanjaro International Airport Development Company (KADCO).

In the 42.2 kilometres full marathon as well as the 21.1 kilometres half marathon race, Kenyan nationals emerged victorious as they outweighed others from number one to 10 for both men and women categories.

For 42 km Duncan Kwemboi scooped number one for men, spending 2 hours, 19 minutes and 10 seconds, while the second one was Kiprotich who took 2:21:25 to accomplish the task. The third was Abraham Too, covering the distance in 2:22:43.

Kenyan women mastered the race in the manner that Gladys Oterro was the first, followed by her compatriots Flavious Kwamboka and Rosina Kiboino. In half marathon race for men, Kenyans Joel Kipmatai, Stephen Letanto and George Wanyika were the first to third winners respectively.

Women from the East African nation were at it again in the 21 kilometre race as Mercy Kibarus and Poulina Njeri made it for the first and second winners, while Tanzania was consoled by Fatuma Abdi, who came third.

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