Declining Tarime crime rate welcome - Masauni - HERRY LEO.COM


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Declining Tarime crime rate welcome - Masauni

THE decline of the crime rate in Mara Region’s Tarime District, has delighted the Deputy Minister for Home Affairs, Eng Hamad Masaun

“It is good to hear that the rate of crime here has decreased. Congratulations,” he remarked on Monday morning, shortly after inspecting the Sirari One Stop Border Post Station which is located near the Tanzania’s border with the neighbouring Kenya.

He reiterated the government’s determination to end problems facing common citizens who include motorbike (boda boda) taxi operators, to enable them operate in a conducive environment, and uplift their living standards, but in accordance with the laws of the land.

Some boda boda operators operating in the vicinity of the border post had complained to the deputy minister of being harassed by security officials unnecessarily and appealed for his intervention.

In response, Eng Masauni said whoever would be proven to harass the motorbike taxi operators won’t be brooked. “I want to reassure you that we are following the footsteps of the honourable President; the fifth phase government won’t turn a blind eye to harassments of its citizens,” he said.

Speaking at the same occasion, Regional Police Commander (RPC) for Tarime Rorya Special Zone (SACP), Henry Mwaibambe, urged boda boda operators to adhere scrupulously to the laws.

He assured them of close cooperation and gave them the leeway to file to him, genuine complaints of harassments by law enforcement officials.

Those who featured in the deputy minister’s tour included the Commissioner General of Immigration, Dr Anna Makakala, the Mara Regional Commissioner (RC), Mr Adam Malima, Tarime District Commissioner (DC), Mr Glorious Luoga, and the Tarime District Council Executive Director (DED), Mr Apoo Castro Tindwa.

Dr Makakala said boda boda operators were important partners of the Immigration department on curbing illegal entry into Tanzania by foreigners, pledging that her department would cooperate very closely with them.

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