Beach soccer tourney gathers pace - HERRY LEO.COM


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Beach soccer tourney gathers pace

THE ongoing Higher Learning Beach Soccer League unfolding at Escape One grounds in Dar es Salaam has gained momentum as each team is eager to bag in maximum three points.

In group A, the battle for league supremacy is tight. Institute of Financial Management (IFM) leads with six points from two encounters, while College of Business Education (CBE) is second with six points as well from the same number of games.

Tanzania Public Service College (TPSC) also collected six points from two matches but inferior goals have dragged them to third position. Silver Institute of Business and Management (SIBM-Silva) are fourth with three points.

At number four on the log are Dar es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI), who have gained three points from three games, Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) and MYMU have a point each to occupy fifth and sixth places, whereas Al-Maktoum College of Engineering and Technology (AMCET) are without a point at the bottom.

In group B, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) tops the table with nine points from three matches, while the second spot is occupied by Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU), who have collected six points from two games.

National Institute of Transport (NIT) are third with three points, Dar es Salaam School of Journalism (DSJ) sit on fourth position with three points, while Ardhi University are fifth on the log after bagging three points as well from two matches.

Lisbon Business College are sixth placed after gathering three points from two games. The United African University of Tanzania (UAUT) and Tumaini University are both winless to fill seventh and eighth slots respectively from two games

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